
Rules of the association

These rules have been checked and approved by the Finnish Patent and Registration Office in 20.12.2018
The English translation is for the benefit of those interested. The finish version is legally binding.

  1. Name and domicile of the association

The name of the association is ECNAIS, European Council of National Associations of Independent schools, and its domicile is in city of Helsinki, Finland.

  1. Purpose and activity

The purpose of the association is to offer a forum for meeting and discussion for national associations of independent schools in European countries.

To fulfill its purpose, the association helps and gives advice to member associations on the promotion of diversity and parental freedom of school choice within their national school systems.

The association also promotes the important role of independent education in a democratic society.

  1. Members

The association may accept as members any European, national association of independent schools, as long as the applicant endorses the purpose and rules of the association.

Applicant associations that seek membership and have sent an application are granted membership by the meeting of the association (MA).

Each member association nominates a person to represent the member association in the MA of ECNAIS.

ECNAIS may also accept the membership, as associate member, of organizations that are important for the functions of ECNAIS and share the same aims as ECNAIS. Associate members are granted membership by the MA of ECNAIS.

Associate members do not have the right to vote in the MA of ECNAIS.

  1. Membership fees

A membership fee is collected from members and associate members. The fee is approved in the MA of ECNAIS.

  1. Executive Committee

The association is governed by an executive committee (EC), which comprises a Chairperson, a Secretary General and a Treasurer, elected by the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for a term of two years. The AGM may also elect one extra member to the EC if deemed necessary. The members of EC are all persons representing different national associations. One member of the EC has to be a citizen of Finland.

The term of the members of EC is two years starting from the AGM and ending in the AGM held after two years. Meetings of the EC are convened by the Chairperson, when there is an agenda for a meeting or when at least half of the members of executive committee demand the meeting to be convened.

The EC has quorum, when not less than half of its members, including the Chairperson, are present in the meeting.

A majority vote system is applied. In the case of a tie, the motion supported by the Chairperson shall be the motion carried out.

  1. Persons entitled to sign the name of the association

The name of the association is signed by the Chairperson, Secretary General and Treasurer, each of them alone.

  1. Accounting period

The accounting period of the association is one calendar year.

  1. Meetings of the association

The meetings of the association are General Meeting (GM) and Annual General Meeting (AGM).

The AGM is convened annually by the EC, not later than May following the accounting period.

Each member association has one vote in the meetings of the association.

The motion to be carried by the association shall be the motion supported by more than half of the votes cast or, in case of a tie, the motion supported by the chairperson of the meeting. In case of an election, the result obtained by drawing lots.

  1. Manner of and period for convening a meeting

The EC must convene a meeting by letter or e‐mail not later than 30 days before the meeting.

  1. Annual General Meeting

The following agenda must be debated in the Annual General Meeting:

  1. Opening of the meeting
  2. Election of officials for the Annual General Meeting: chairperson, secretary, two checkers of the minutes and two counters of ballots if necessary.
  3. Stating the legality and the quorum of the meeting
  4. Approval of the agenda
  5. Presentation of the annual accounts, annual report and the report submitted by the inspector of operations.
  6. Adopting the annual accounts, discharging the executive committee and other responsible persons from liability for the accounts.
  7. Confirmation of the annual action plan, annual budget and the membership fees.
  8. Every other year, the election of the executive committee: Chairperson, Secretary General and Treasurer. If necessary, one extra member may be elected for the EC.
  9. Election of the inspector of operations and one person for his spare.
  10. Any other business stated in the invitation.

If a member of the association has a motion to be carried out in the Annual General Meeting, the motion has to be announced in writing to the EC well beforehand, so the motion can be included in the invitation of the Annual General Meeting.

  1. Changing the rules and dissolution of the association

The decision to change the rules or dissolution of the association requires ¾ majority of votes given in the meeting of the association. Changing the rules or dissolution of the association has to be mentioned in the agenda when the meeting is convened.

In the case of dissolution, the assets of the association are to be surrendered in a manner that promotes the purpose of the association. This is defined by the meeting that makes the decision of dissolution. If this is not possible, the assets will be used for a non‐profit purpose.

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