Federation of Independent Schools


Contact Person

Ragna Vala Kjartansdóttir

E-mail: ragna@svth.is

The Work

What is your mission and vision?
The organization´s goal is to protect the interests of independent schools, strengthen their unity, creating a forum for debate and to represent independent preschools and elementary schools to public bodies.

Which kind of tasks does your organization mainly do?
First and foremost represent independent preschools and elementary schools to public bodies and protect their interests. Secondly strengthen their unity by creating a forum for debate, organize seminars and conferences and participate in international cooperation.

About your own members of the national organization

      Description of the members of the organization:

  • Schools - individuals? – Participants are individuals, parents, corporations, organizations and institutions.
  • Which kind of schools? – Schools within the organization are for ex. gender divided, based on religious, international or health mindedness, in a bilingual environment etc.
  • How many members does your organization have? – 47 schools
  • How many schools at which level? - 36 kindergartens & 11 primary schools: Different age groups within primary schools, mainly from age 5 – 16.
  • How many pupils are attending these schools? - 3,500

Organizational policy

Which questions and tasks concerning the organization do you emphasize for the coming years?
Apart from governmental and administrative issues we would like to see the organization become even more supportive to its members and function as a complete information center, bringing life and energy to all its members.

Current challenges

Which challenges are for the organization the most important currently?
Very positive results have been acquired through service contracts between schools and the government /municipalities. Despite challenging cost-cutting initiatives it is important to continue the advancement of independent schools that contribute greatly to the educational system of Iceland.


In what information are you especially interested in?
Financing information with comparison to public schools, setups of contracts and generally everything involving strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats involving independent schools in Europe.


  • Address

    Federation of Independent Sshools
    c/o SVÞ
    Húsi atvinnulífsins
    Borgartúni 35
    105 Reykjavík